'flowers.bas SmallBASIC 2015-05-06 B+ sq=(ymax-100)^4 color 15,0 for i=0 to 100 line 0,i,xmax,i,rgb(0,0,155+i) next locate 1,83:? " Happy Birthday! " for i=100 to ymax line 0,i,xmax,i,rgb(0,210-.25*i,0) next for i=1 to 125 x=rnd*xmax:s=rnd*8:y=100-s:cc=rnd*75:col=rgb(cc,cc,cc) rect x,y step s,s,col filled next repeat col=rnd*7+9 'cc=int(rnd*12)*5+200 'col = rgb(cc,cc,0) petals = (20 * rnd) + 5 xoff = rnd*xmax yoff = ymax-(rnd*sq)^.25 size = (yoff/100)^2 for theta = 0 to 2*3.414159 step 0.001 r = cos(petals*theta) for fil = 0 to size x = r * cos(theta) * fil + xoff y = r * sin(theta) * fil + yoff pset x, y, col next fil next theta until inkey=" "